Are you producing reports every day as a big part of your job? If ‘yes’ is your answers, then some certain features are out there that you like to keep on your wish list. It’s because you like to make your reporting process as effective as efficient.
Indeed, some platforms are available that have made your reports like a painful neck. It matters a bit lesser which DCM file viewer online you’re using.
But, the reports of radiology matters much when it comes to the perfect ones with balanced features. This is why we’re going to share some features that you should have on your radiology reports.
Report Templates
You might be tired of beginning from the initial or copy & paste each time when you need to make your report. Managing templates of your reports can be a bit critical feature that will help you to save some extra time. From add to delete templates, consider you’re not writing on your hand the whole thing.
It’s an entirely another discussion in general if you don’t have shifted to making e-reports. That means if you’re still using old fashioned methods of making your reports then you’re not going to get the accessibility to use lots of different types of templates.
Even there are some preset and customizable templates when you’ll get transit into the digital reporting system.
Auto-Fill DICOM Data
If you’re tired of inputting in all fields manually, you can pull DICOM data from the main images by PACS viewer free. It means that it’ll auto-fill into the fields of metadata when you need to edit the reports.
These fields include many things such as patients’ name, patient’s ID, sex, date of birth, study description, etc. Also, there is a feature to add things if you get something or a field missing.
You just need to click on the button entitled ‘Add Field’ or you can do it by clicking on the symbol ‘X” near the question field.
Email Above One Recipient
This is an annoying thing to send reports to many recipients at the same time. It’s a lingering process and you can miss someone easily in the list while this is a minute task. But, you’re out of stress while using the right app with the essential features.
You’ll be able to send reports via emails and will deliver attaching with PDF. Apart from this, you also can include so many recipients that you need right away.
Key Images
It’s a type of topic that needs an entire blog for itself. When it comes to the key images, the issue is very significant to radiologists while creating successful radiology reports.
This is very frustrating if you don’t have the related medical images fixed to reports while sharing with your recipients. Because the Key Images option in the reporting module, it alleviates your stress.
Actually, you can fix the key images with the reports and a scroll feature. It’ll help you to keep these images in the window when you go scrolling up & down.